Learn About What Bed Bugs Eat
Bed bugs are tiny parasitic and nocturnal pests who love feeding on human blood to get the nutrition they need to survive and breed.
Bed bugs are tiny parasitic and nocturnal pests who love feeding on human blood to get the nutrition they need to survive and breed. They have been around for thousands of years and do not spread any diseases. However, they leave red, itchy bumps on the body of people they bite. During the day, these pesky bugs hide in box springs, bed frames, mattress seams, headboards, and cracks in walls, floor, and furniture.
Although they cannot fly or jump, bed bugs can crawl rapidly. Bed bugs, once they infest a home, are extremely difficult to eliminate. They can infest any home by hitching a ride on backpacks, suitcases, clothing, and furniture.
What do bed bugs eat?
Various bed bug species are found worldwide, and all feed on blood. While most bed bugs need human blood to survive, in situations where they cannot find humans nearby for long, they can even feed on animal blood. Human blood is the primary source of food for bed bugs. They cannot feed on stuff like wood, hair, dead skin, and food crumbs like other insects.
There are usually two types of insects, one that relies on its host for food and the other that can feed off the waste or leftovers of human beings. Bed bugs fall into the first category. Their mouth is tube-shaped, and they cannot bite or chew any other type of food, leaving them with only one option, liquid. They do not have teeth, lips, tongue, or cheeks. Humans are an easier food source for bed bugs, and they can easily crawl on human skin and feed around the exposed areas like the neck, hands, back, and legs.
Bed bugs can easily survive without a host for about a year. They can retain moisture and go without meals for a long time. Bed bugs have a waxy coat on the outer shells, preventing moisture loss.
The bat bug
Bat bug is a bed bug species that feeds mostly on bats and is their primary requirement to reproduce. However, they can also survive on the blood of humans and other mammals. While most bed bugs are found around the bed area, which gives these bugs easy access to human blood, bat bugs are usually found nesting in attics or wall gaps.
How to get rid of bed bugs
The best way to eliminate bed bugs from a property is by hiring a professional exterminator. They have the necessary experience and expertise to identify bed bug species and use the correct treatment methods to ensure their complete elimination. They will save homeowners time and reduce the stress of having bed bugs around.
Safeguard the property
Bed bugs are more than a nuisance. The fact that they feed on human blood makes them even more unwanted by homeowners. If you suspect a bed bug problem on your property, do not hesitate to call on a local bed bug exterminator to end the bed bug woes.
Bed Bugs Arizona offers a free, in-home bed bug inspection and a one-year warranty on all bed bug services. No obligation. We specialize in apartment communities. Our fast, certified technicians provide the Bed Bug Pro-Treat Plus method of bed bug removal to Phoenix and surrounding cities in a 100-mile-plus radius, including Flagstaff, Globe, and Casa Grande. Veteran and senior discounts. Call now at (623) 451-0541.