Prepping for Bed Bug Treatments

If bed bugs are detected in the house, calling a pest control company is vital in preventing their spread.

Bed bugs can be a real headache for homeowners. These tiny parasitic insects feed on the blood of humans and animals while they sleep. Typically, they are identified by small, itchy clusters of bites on the skin or by their remnants, such as eggs, feces, and skin.

If bed bugs are detected in the house, calling a pest control company is vital in preventing their spread. Before contacting the exterminator, however, there are steps homeowners need to perform.

Keep all furniture inside the house

Once bed bugs enter a home, they will spread quickly. Bed bugs could be in your bed, couch, clothes, backpack, or anything you have contact with daily. Relocating them to another house, workplace, car, or anywhere outside the property will only help bed bugs spread to that place and other people.

The bed bugs will also stay there while the extermination is in process and infest the home again once the items and furniture have been returned.

Therefore, wait for the exterminator company to inspect the items if their removal is inevitable.

Take care of washable items

It is best to remove washable items, but only after washing them. Bed bugs don’t like heat, so cleaning the sheets, pillowcases, blankets, curtains, stuffed animals, and towels in hot water before the pest control company’s visit is advised. Once the items have been thoroughly dried, they should be packed in a bag and kept away from the infested house.

The same advice goes for clothes. Coats and other garments that can’t undergo the same washing procedure should be dry-cleaned and inspected separately.

Clean the rooms and furniture

In addition to washing clothes and bedding, cleaning and vacuuming the rooms, couches, mattresses, and upholstered chairs also catch the bed bugs before the exterminator arrives. Floors that can be washed should also undergo cleaning. Each vacuum bag should be wrapped in an additional plastic bag and safely discarded to avoid reintroducing bed bugs in rooms and items that aren’t necessarily infested.

Discard unnecessary items

Bed bugs are experts at hiding, so the more items in the house, the better chance for bed bugs to remain hidden and reappear once the extermination is over. To nip this issue in the bud, homeowners should eliminate unwanted items and clear the way. This will help exterminators finish the job quickly.

However, ensure that all the items have been inspected and treated beforehand so the bed bugs don’t infect anyone else’s home.

Move the furniture away from the walls

If the rooms have closets, beds, and couches up against the wall, move them. Creating space between the furniture and the walls allows the exterminators to do their jobs more efficiently.

Bed Bugs Arizona offers a free, in-home bed bug inspection and a one-year warranty on all bed bug services. No obligation. We specialize in apartment communities. Our fast, certified technicians provide the Bed Bug Pro-Treat Plus method of bed bug removal to Phoenix and surrounding cities in a 100-mile-plus radius, including Flagstaff, Globe, and Casa Grande. Veteran and senior discounts. Call now at (623) 451-0541.


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