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Can Bed Bugs Live in the Outdoors?
Bed bugs are nasty little critters commonly known to infest homes. As bed bugs feed solely on human blood, they prefer to stay close to their hosts. However, a common question that bed bug exterminator companies often ask is if bed bugs can survive outdoors.
Do Bed Bugs Hide in Electronics?
This article will cover the most common electronic devices where bed bugs may hide and how to prevent infestations.
Exploring the Life Cycle of Bed Bugs
Bed bugs can lay their eggs in cracks or under mattresses.
Helpful Bed Bug Tips for a Property Manager
Bed bug infestations can wreak havoc on the value of a property. Therefore, knowing how to deal with these pests is essential for a property manager. With the rise of bed bug infestations in the country, an issue may be just around the corner.
Discover Why Commercial Buildings Need Bed Bug Experts
With many tenants, customers, and employees coming into commercial buildings, there's a high chance of a bed bug infestation. Property owners can suffer a lack of revenue and reputational damage if an infestation occurs.
Bed Bugs Be Gone! Warning Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation
Bed bugs are tiny, parasitic pests that survive by feeding on human blood. These nocturnal pests hide in mattresses and box springs, headboards, bed frames, curtain folds, behind pictures, under loose wallpapers, cracks, and other dark places during the day. Bed bugs are nasty and can infest the cleanest of homes.
Bed Bug 101: Discover the Diseases that Bed Bugs Can Cause
Bed bugs are tiny, wingless, parasitic pests notorious for feeding human blood. They usually live in beds, including headboards, bed frames, mattress seams, box springs, and cracks in furniture, walls, and floors.
Bed Bug Resurgence
In the 1940s, we nearly eradicated bed bugs. Between 1980 and the early 2000s, bed bugs began returning more frequently to people’s homes but not at the elevated rate seen in recent years.
The Difference Between Bed Bug Bites and Flea Bites
While it might be easy to recognize a mosquito bite, it might be harder to identify the insect responsible for red spots on different parts of the body. Depending on the location, size, and color, it may be a bed bug or flea bite.
How Fast Can Bed Bugs Spread?
Bed bugs are nasty creatures that feast on the blood of humans and pets. If you never had to deal with bed bugs, then you are lucky. Once bed bugs infiltrate a home, they usually cause a ton of raucous bites on their host family members, itchy spots, and other discomforts.
Dealing With Bed Bugs During the Winter Months
Bed bugs are among the most annoying pests found in people’s homes. Their activity reaches a peak in the summer, triggering allergic reactions and keeping you awake at night.
Explore These Interesting Facts About Bed Bugs
The very mention of "bed bugs" can make any person panic. These barely visible insects are tricky customers, as one never knows when they'll strike. They dwell in furniture and are notoriously difficult to eliminate.
A Quick Guide for Successful Bed Bug Elimination
Bed bugs are a nuisance, and finding them in the home panics homeowners. Detecting these unwanted pests is hard, and not taking proper steps to manage the issue only prolongs the elimination process.
The Bugs We Love to Hate: Interesting Facts About Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are one of the most disliked insects in the world. There is not one person that is excited about their existence - except for entomologists! Furthermore, an infestation can be ongoing if not handled correctly.
Top Reasons to Hire a Professional Bed Bug Exterminator in Phoenix, AZ
The psychological impact of bed bugs can be even more harrowing than the bites and skin irritations they cause. With bed bugs affecting all 50 states in America, many Arizonans believe the climate is too hot or dry for bed bugs to be a problem.
The Physical and Psychological Effects of a Bed Bug Infestation
Bed bugs take a toll on people’s physical well-being and mental health. Primarily active in the night, bed bugs breed in mattresses, couch cushions, and other areas throughout the home before feasting on the blood of a home’s inhabitants.
Here's Why You Should Not DIY Bed Bug Removal
DIY pest control has been on the rise since the dawn of online "How To" videos. Competent homeowners, wanting to save a buck, have taken to spraying and trapping unwanted pests around their homes.
Travel… Hotels and motels rank among the top 3 places pest professionals report finding bed bugs.Not too surprising considering temporary lodgings are an ideal breeding place for bed bugs
Here's Why You Should Hire a Bed Bug Pro
Bed bugs are making a comeback and have been on the rise in the Valley. This fact is because they have evolved to resist certain pesticides. Although several DIY responses to bed bugs exist, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) suggests hiring a professional.
Bed Bugs: Learn How to Eliminate This Growing Problem
For decades after the discovery of DDT pesticide, American households believed bed bugs were vanquished. Although DDT, the impressively effective pesticide discovered in 1939, helped rid thousands of homes of bedbugs, the efficacy did not last.