Effective Pest Control Requires Proper Insect Identification

It is crucial to correctly identify an insect before removing or eliminating them so that a homeowner doesn’t inadvertently hurt the good, friendly insects.

One of the key factors in ensuring effective pest control is proper insect identification. Keep in mind that not all insects and pests are harmful or pose a threat to people’s homes or health. Some insects serve an essential purpose to the environment. These include honeybees and bumblebees, which help in the pollination process of crops and many flowers. These helpful insects do not pose a threat as they do not harm people and their homes.

Unfortunately, many harmful insects look very much like friendly ones. Of course, there are distinguishing characteristics, but homeowners must look closer to identify them correctly.

It is crucial to correctly identify an insect before removing or eliminating them so that a homeowner doesn’t inadvertently hurt the good, friendly insects. Conversely, it prevents a homeowner from mistaking an aggressive, potentially harmful insect for a friendly one.

There are some ways to tell insects apart. Because they look very much alike, you can look at their size and where they build their nest to tell what specific type of insect is in the yard. Also, they have different characteristics that will tell you what type of insect they are. For example, most harmful insects are very territorial with their nests. Some others will chase people for miles when they are excited or antagonized.

Pest control tips to avoid harmful insects

Once they’ve identified the insects and the homeowner has confirmed they are working with a harmful insect, they need to contact a pest control professional. While waiting for the expert to arrive, there are some things they can do to avoid coming in contact with these harmful insects.

The first thing to do is understand why these insects claim a yard. Most likely, they have found a source of food, water, and shelter somewhere in the yard. The homeowner must remove these sources so that the insects will move on to other places to thrive.

Here are some tips to remove the insects’ sources of food, water, and shelter in a home and yard:

  • Ensure outdoor patios are always clean and free from leftover food and grease spills. This level of cleanliness is especially needed after using the patio to entertain friends and guests.

  • After using the outdoor cooking area or grill, always leave them clean and sanitized. Don’t forget that insects get easily attracted to crumbs of food left outside. They especially love the grease and grime on any surfaces in the cooking and grill area.

  • Cover garbage cans and recycling containers with tight lids. Ensure that critters cannot easily remove the lids and that there are no gaps and holes where the insects can go through.

  • Empty garbage cans and recycling containers regularly to ensure they will not overspill and attract more insects.

Homeowners needing help identifying the insects in their yard, contact a professional pest control company for assistance.

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