Pest Control Tips: How To Make a Home Less Appealing

Although having unwelcome guests is no fun, it’s possible that homeowners could tolerate it if the pests were cuddly and cute.

Making a house unattractive to mice, rodents, and other small animals is an unusual pest control tip; however, it makes sense. Pests come to a house for a reason—they’re there for food and shelter. Unfortunately, they found what they need to survive in the home, so they are claiming and marking the home as their own.

Although having unwelcome guests is no fun, it’s possible that homeowners could tolerate it if the pests were cuddly and cute. Unfortunately, most of them are dirty and can carry diseases that they could easily transmit to the humans and animals in the household.

Despite homeowners’ efforts to clean and sanitize their homes, pests will still be able to find their way inside. So, in addition to cleaning and sanitizing, homeowners need to block pests’ access to the house and remove their food sources.

Blocking accessible entry points

Keep in mind that these pests are not only tiny in size. They are also able to squeeze their body to make them even much smaller to be able to enter a home. Homeowners should walk around their homes, looking for holes in the doors, windows, walls, and any other place a pest could enter. Look for holes, cracks, and other openings along the foundation that could grant them access to the house. Seal these openings to ensure that pests cannot sneak their way in.

Once the outer sealing is complete, seal the inside as well. Next, thoroughly inspect the home’s interior, looking for entry points and hiding places that might make a suitable nesting site. Homeowners should examine the baseboards, kitchen cabinets, appliances, closets, and drawers.

Removing the food source

Pests can smell food from a distance. After having smelled food in the house, they will do everything they can to gain entry and avail themselves of the home’s offerings. The best pest control is to keep the house clean and sanitized at all times and remove any traces of food on the floor, table, and kitchen counters. Ensure the pantry is clean and unfinished food, such as crackers, chips, and bread, are placed in tightly sealed containers.

It isn’t only human’s food that attracts pests. Pet food is equally enticing. Keep pet food in a sealed container and keep the storage area clean and sanitized. Doing so will block the scent and prevent pests from detecting it.

Aside from unfinished food and a clean pantry and kitchen, homeowners should also consider how they dispose of garbage. These pests will not think twice about exploring the garbage can when they smell food. So like the pantry and the pet food storage area, ensure that the area where the garbage can is stored is clean. Use a heavy lid that will not be easy to dodge or crack.

Don’t give pests a reason to come to a house. Make sure it appears unattractive to them as they wouldn’t be able to find what they’re looking for in the home. If these methods are unsuccessful in minimizing pests in the home, contact a reliable pest control company for assistance.

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